$175.00 raised
Goal: $4,500.00
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Hi friends!


BraveLove is a nonprofit organization that I am honored to have the privilege of working with on this exciting venture. Our goal in working together is to heighten the awareness of adoption as an option in my hometown and surrounding areas. Here's why...

Less than 2% of unplanned pregnancies result in adoption. Right now women either terminate their pregnancies or choose to parent. Very few actually choose adoption. Why? All sorts of reasons, but mainly because it's still considered a shameful thing in today's society. Sadly, there are stigmas and outdated stereotypes surrounding adoption — especially for the expectant moms and birth moms. 

In my professional and personal life I see and hear of women who dismiss the option of adoption. Their thoughts include: "that would be too hard for me", "What will my friends and family think?", or "Will my child ever forgive me?" 

IMG_0949.jpgThat's where BraveLove comes in! They're focused on reducing the stigmas and making it a more supported option within our culture. BraveLove's website provides lots of adoption resources, which I've been able to use to educate fellow nurses, family and friends (like you!) about the loving option of adoption.


In addition to education, BraveLove shares meaningful content & campaigns that influence the public perception of adoption. One way to do that is through advertising and communicating that adoption is a BRAVE LOVE. 


As you know, our family has grown through adoption. We would not be parents to Aubree today if it weren't for her loving birth mother who made one of the hardest decisions of her life. She wanted the best for Aubree, and she couldn't provide that at the time. She made this difficult decision out of LOVE. Some people may not know how adoption has changed over the years. Aubree's birth mother chose us to be Aubree's parents. We openly communicate with her so she can see and know that her daughter is loved and taken care of as she grows. 

Will you join with me to help spread the message of BraveLove? With your financial support, we can broadly advertise this positive adoption message to our communities. Today, you can help sponsor a BraveLove billboard in Grove City, PA. Together we can actively educate and help bring about change.

I hope you will consider joining the movement to erase the stigmas of adoption and show that ADOPTION IS A BRAVE LOVE. 


Your friend,


P.S. Whether you donate or not, please take time to explore BraveLove.org and learn more about adoption.