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Today, BraveLove is uniquely positioned to reach more women in unplanned pregnancies and empower them to consider adoption as a brave and viable option. In order to realize that potential, we need your help to grow and extend our impact to thousands more.

Will you help us raise $500,000 in the next two years? Every gift - big or small - goes towards empowering women and impacting lives nationwide. 

Here are 3 different ways you can help us reach that goal:

1. Become a Sustaining Partner and give $1,000 this year. OR donate $500 this year and pledge $500 next year (on this page).

2. Become an Ambassador and join our monthly giving program here.

3. Make a one-time gift today (on this page).

Why $500,000?  This amount will enable BraveLove to extend our pro-adoption message to new audiences like college campuses and the medical community, target our digital media campaigns to the top 5 markets (New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, Philadelphia), and triple our reach to 1 million video views.

Imagine a culture where adoption is a more explored path for women in unplanned pregnancies. When you support BraveLove, you make that possible.

BraveLove is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. Donations & contributions are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Questions regarding your donation, contact [email protected].