Birth Mom Dinner at the Porch

These dinners are our favorites. The purpose is primarily social - eat good food and get to know one another. It’s a way we can gather a group of women who have one thing in common - placing a child for adoption. These dinners allow us time to get to know the women we champion by sharing a meal and listening to their stories in person.

We’ve been hearing that it’s often pretty healing for birth moms to be with other birth moms. And we certainly don’t want to be presumptuous and assume last night was a healing time for everyone, however it was fun! The women who came were cool, funny, strong yet sensitive. Tears were shed as they listened to each others’ stories. Laughs were shared as we joked about all kinds of random stuff. Our conversations were all over the map - from nature v. nurture to the feeling of just knowing when you are picking out your child’s adoptive family to the frustrations of having the hiccups (yes, we said hiccups).

Last night was a sweet time at The Porch and we were honored to get to know you gals. You know who you are… C, D, A, J and A! Can’t wait for the next one. See you at The Skittle perhaps?

If you’re a birth parent in the Dallas area and want to join us for our next birth mom dinner, check our event calendar for upcoming dinners.