About Us
Who we are
BraveLove is a national, not-for-profit 501(c)(3) public charity organization headquartered in Dallas, Texas, that exists to challenge stigmas around adoption through honest, informative, and hopeful communication that celebrates the bravery of birth mothers.

Our mission
To change the perception of adoption by equipping professionals with adoption resources for expectant mothers, educating the public through dynamic storytelling, and fostering a supportive community for birth mothers.

Our story
It all started in 2012, a group of volunteers began working with a local pregnancy resource center and noticed a trend: only a small percentage of expectant parents were even considering adoption when faced with an unplanned pregnancy. This is due to stigmas, stereotypes, and a lack of education about adoption today.
This observation was consistent with the National Council for Adoption’s Fact Book at the time, which cited that only 2% of women facing an unplanned pregnancy choose adoption. (Now this is closer to 1%).
BraveLove’s Board of Directors evolved from this original group of volunteers and is currently composed
of men and women from across Texas. We are a diverse and dynamic group that includes birth mothers, adoptive parents, business consultants, financial analysts, attorneys, and philanthropists who are passionate about using our experience to impact the culture’s perception of adoption.
At BraveLove, we envision a future where every expectant mother feels that adoption is a viable, respected, and supported choice, and where the bravery of birth mothers is acknowledged and celebrated within an informed and compassionate community
The BraveLove Manifesto
We believe….
Birth mothers are mothers.
Adoption is a selfless act of love from one to another. There should be no shame in choosing adoption.
Adoption starts with loss. It’s complex, messy, and beautiful.
Birth mothers are all around us, and all of their stories and experiences are valid.
Stories erase stigmas and can change the narrative of adoption from shame to hope. That’s why we keep sharing them.
Education is empowering. Women deserve to know and understand all of their pregnancy options – including adoption.
In honoring and empowering birth mothers by sharing their stories, giving voice to their experiences, and creating a community where they feel seen and understood.
There is room to honor, respect, and love birth parents. Their children will always be a piece of who they are.
Meet the Team
Meet the Team: Janelle Basham
Meet Janelle Basham, BraveLove's Executive Director, who lives in Lynchburg, Virginia. Q: How did you first hear about...
Meet the Team: Amber Corcoran
Meet Amber Corcoran, BraveLove's Director of Development. Q: How did you first hear about BraveLove? A: I first heard about...
Meet the Team: Ashley Boschen
Meet Ashley Boschen, BraveLove's Program Manager, who lives in Springfield, Missouri. You can watch Ashley's story here....
Meet the Team: Chris Sinclair
Meet Chris Sinclair, BraveLove's Filmmaker, who lives in Dallas, Texas. Q: How did you first hear about BraveLove? A: I heard...
Meet the Team: Meredith Cowser
Meet Meredith Cowser, BraveLove's Social Media Manager, who lives in Dallas, Texas. Q: How did you first hear about...