Birth Mom Dinners

Registration is now closed for spring dinners. Check back in the fall for more dinners!

Imagine a Birth Mom Dinner

Watch this video to get a glimpse into what you can expect at a Birth Mom Dinner.

Birth Mom Dinner FAQs

What are the dinners like?

These events are about enjoying a meal together and connecting with another birth mom so you know that you’re not alone in your adoption journey. There’s no pressure to share your adoption story. There’s no pressure to do anything but show up and enjoy your time together. All of our dinners are hosted by a birth mom. This evening can be a springboard to further community and connection. The comfort of knowing you have a support group out there is the cherry on top.

“The highlight of the dinners for me is being able to freely talk about the son I placed; brag about him, miss him, and celebrate him in a safe, loving environment.” – Dinner Attendee

What if there's not a dinner near me?

BraveLove dinners are hosted by birth moms and for birth moms and take place around the country twice a year. If you are interested in hosting a future dinner close to you, we would love to hear from you! Please contact for more information.

Can I bring a guest?

Sorry, no extra guests! These dinners are reserved for birth moms only.

Does this cost anything?

The dinners are underwritten by BraveLove and its generous donors. There is a $10 reservation fee for the guests. But this fee is 100% refundable to those who attend or give at least 24-hour cancellation notice. If a guest needs financial assistance, simply contact We never want cost to become a barrier for birth moms who want to attend a dinner.

How do I RSVP?

It’s all online. If you’re a birth mom who has placed a child for adoption and live nearby one of the host cities, we’d love for you to consider coming. Once the host cities have been announced, you can RSVP here on our website. We will follow up as it gets closer to confirm the exact location and address.

Is it normal to feel nervous about going?

Absolutely. Walking into a dinner where you may not know anyone can be equally nerve-racking and exciting. This is why we connect you with your host well in advance to help ease any nerves and answer other questions you may have. Showing up can feel like the hardest part. Being able to listen to other women in various stages of their adoption journey can be so uplifting.

How many people usually attend?

We have had dinners with two people all the way up to 20! Over the past few years, we have capped dinners at 10 guests because we feel this is a sweet spot to cultivate deep conversation.

Does everybody know one another already?

Nope! That’s the fun part about going — getting to meet new faces.

What is your hope for the birth moms who attend? What does BraveLove want them to get out of it?

Our hope is for each woman to walk away knowing they are not alone. This evening can be a springboard to further community and connection. It may not be regular dinners, but the comfort of knowing you have a support group out there is the cherry on top.

“There are days that are hard for me that my immediate family and friends might not understand. Meeting a group of women who I can text on a random Tuesday to let them know I am a little down or that something amazing happened is a sweet gift that BraveLove has given to me.” – Dinner Attendee

Do people stay in touch afterwards?

That’s our hope and desire! Maybe a coffee date, a group on Facebook, or a meet up at the park. We collect everyone’s contact information and offer consent to share it with the group so that you can easily stay in touch after the dinner.

Are there going to be more birth mom gatherings later this year?

Be sure to follow us on Instagram or Facebook to keep informed! We have dinners every spring and fall, and occasionally, we host pop-up dinners.

How can other people (non-birth moms) get involved and help with the dinners?

If you know a birth mom, tell her about the dinner and share the link ( If you’re connected to your local adoption agency or church, inform them about the dinners, too. If you live in one of our host cities, post about the BraveLove dinner on social media!

Here is what it takes to make the dinners possible: a venue, food, beverages, flowers, place settings, and a special gift for birth moms. If you have a business related to one of these needs, contact us here. We’d love your support!

We invite you to consider making a donation to BraveLove to help fund future birth mom dinners.

What do other birth moms say about the dinners?

“The dinner I attended was beautiful, but in a vulnerable sort of way. I was among new birth moms like myself at the time, and veteran birth moms (including our host!) There is a strange sense of peace in being in a place where you know you are loved and accepted even though everyone in the room knows what you may keep secret from most people when you first meet. I felt like my decision had meaning, and I felt like I wasn’t so alone.”

- Sophia

“I love BraveLove’s dinners for birth mothers. I walk away feeling connected, treasured and loved. I have special memories and bonds from all the time I’ve spent being loved on by these special ladies.”

- Rachel

“We had such a great time in Houston!! Power to birthmothers everywhere. Tell your stories because one story can change a mind and many stories can change a generation.”

- Heather

“I love having the chance to meet new friends who have gone through the same thing as I have, without the pressures of a ‘group therapy’ setting. Without all that, I’m able to make these friends through more than just a birth mom connection.”

- Ana

“As women it is so important to just hold space for each other. The BraveLove dinner let us bond over our shared experience and just be at peace together. It was magic.”

- Stephanie

Other Questions?

Contact for any other questions regarding our birth mom dinners.

Interested in Hosting a Birth Mom Dinner?

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