How do I tell people about my child? How do I tell people I’m a birth mom?

This is Jessica. She's a birth mother who placed her son for adoption not too long ago. Want to learn more about her story? Read this.

"How do I tell people about my child? How do I tell people I’m a birth mom?"

Telling others that you are a birth mom can be difficult at times, but it is nothing to be ashamed of. You made a sacrificial choice out of love and you have something to be proud of. Many times people will be negative towards your choice, and may not agree with the beliefs that you have towards adoption, but most people just need some education on the truths behind adoption. This is where you come in! You can educate those who don't understand. Being a birth mom isn't a label you have to stick on your forehead, so don't feel as though you have to share your story with everybody you meet, it's a very personal story and it's yours.

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