Birth Mom - Videos
Emmah Trailer
Too often these days, adoption is the choice left unsaid and forgotten. But not for Emmah. Here's the true story of a...
“I have girls around me who have told their story – who are not ashamed of who they are and it makes me feel stronger.”
We first met Emmah two months post-placement. Her experience with adoption was still very fresh and raw. As she reflected on...
Morgan's Story
"For nine months I stayed alone. I distanced myself from a lot of people. I hid it from my family, my friends, my parents."
Emmah's Story
Too often these days, adoption is the choice left unsaid and forgotten. But not for Emmah. Here's the true story of a...
BraveLove Birth Mom Dinners
Here at BraveLove, we believe in honoring birth mothers by sharing their stories, giving voice to their experiences, and creating...
“I get to find the best fit for my child and that’s huge and it’s empowering.”
During her previous pregnancies, Brittany had never known adoption was an adoption. She had had an abortion in her past and is...