Maroon background with a large, stylized "B" and the text "BraveLove Stories of Bravery" in white at the center.

Dear Brave Soul,

March 20, 2017 3 min read

I want to spend five minutes to remind you how much I admire you. How much you matter to me.

It takes a lot of bravery to be in “our shoes."

If you’re having a hard day I’m here for you. I’m here for you because I get it. I know that the grieving can take a toll. Not just with your mind and soul yet your body as well.

I’m here for you for all the reasons left unsaid.

I’m your biggest fan. When in doubt I look to you. To the community. How strong we are together as a whole. We link arms with one another and help fight this difficult, beautiful fight.

You’re brave for everything you’ve done. For everything you have been through. You’re brave for getting through those sleepless nights. You’re brave for finally stopping yourself from crying, even though it’s been four days straight. Your face is finally numb and you think just maybe the numbness will take away the grief and pain.

Yet, my dear brave soul. You are brave for giving life! That is what I want to celebrate the most! You are brave for getting through this. You’re brave because when no one was there for you; you were there for this life inside you. It’s women like you that help me pick up my dragging feet and hold my head HIGH.

It’s women like you that I long for to meet face to face and tell you how much I dearly love you.

It’s women like you that remind me that when I’m having a hard day or feel nothing, you show me that my dear beautiful birth daughter is beyond blessed. When I feel guilty at times for having a life with my son you remind me that I have to be brave and strong for him. I have to remind him daily that he has a half sister and one day maybe one day they will hold hands and play. Or better yet maybe they'll be at one another’s wedding. Oh the days like this that help me push and fight my fight. You taught me that my bravery is all up to me. I know that you will be here to hold my hand yet you are here to support me and love me.

Oh my beautiful brave soul I can’t tell you how much I love you.

Love always,

A fellow Birth mom

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