Honor those who have been impacted by adoption

First, watch this . . .

Unplanned pregnancies happen and every person's story is different, personal and their own. As you watched the video, we hope it expanded your perspective and helped you recognize that we've all been impacted, either directly or indirectly, by the brave love of a birth mother who wanted the best for her child and chose adoption.

It takes a lot of humility, sacrifice and courage to choose adoption when confronted by an unplanned pregnancy. A woman’s decision to place for adoption is not easy and does not mean she did not want or love her child. But sometimes the world says otherwise.

. . .then send a word of encouragement.

Will you encourage a birth mom by sending a positive message her way? It will take only a second for you to fill out this form. Your words could make someone’s day or even change a life. 


539 signatures
Look who's signing
Kelly Lute
Jessica Lenox
Regena Pompie
Jeannine Byrnes
Mike Anderson
Tracy Hartman
Kay Thompson
sara heckert
Suzy Starke German
Michele Corcione
Cheryll Collins
Kristen Asleson
Elaine Levi
Meribeth Szwed
Jule Martin
Lori Gonzalez
Lisha Epperson
Sue Ratterree
Eric Eckert
Lace Rummer
Kimberly P
Jennifer Gass
Lauren Huss
Amy Engberg
Nancy Gauthier
Colleen Lahna
Carolann Garcia
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