DFW Triad Support Group

The DFW Triad Support Group is not offered as therapy, but rather as a place for understanding, support, and healing for anyone touched by adoption. The support group is facilitated by Amy Bell, LCSW, and is open to the public. The group meets on the second Saturday of every month.

Attendance at meetings may vary, but will probably range from 6 to 20 members. Most people attending the group are triad members (adoptees, birth parents or adoptive parents), or “significant others.” Triad members are welcome to bring a family member or significant other to the meeting for support. While we will discuss emotional issues related to search and reunion, we will not discuss methods or techniques of searching. Often discussion centers on issues of grief and loss, which for many triad members of closed adoption has been suppressed and delayed. The telling of one's story can be very healing, and helpful to other triad members. 

For more information, check out this flyer OR contact [email protected]

June 09, 2018 at 1:00pm - 3pm
Hope Cottage
609 Texas St
Dallas, TX 75204
United States
Google map and directions
Amy Bell · · 214-526-8721 x227